
adj. 偶数的;相等的;平坦的


Know this:
they will not let you live, even if you win the fight.>>完整场景
You know yourself, even stars fall from the skies and new stars are born.>>完整场景
Are you even listening to me?>>完整场景
You sacked Nassau port without even firing a shot.>>完整场景
Unless he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told you.>>完整场景
Bad luck to have a woman on board, too. Even a miniature one.>>完整场景
- Which will anger them even more.>>完整场景
I can't. It does not even exist.>>完整场景
Do you even have a ship? A crew?>>完整场景
You escaped the brig even quicker than I expected.>>完整场景
[Jack shouting] And that was without even a single drop of rum.>>完整场景
That's even more than less than unelpful.>>完整场景
There's an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear.>>完整场景
Turns out not even Jack Sparrow can best the devil.>>完整场景
I find it distasteful to even contemplate the horror facing all those on board.>>完整场景
Bad enough even to go visit... her.>>完整场景
And I thought that even the tiniest hope of escaping this fate, I would take it.>>完整场景
All die, even you. Soon I hear.>>完整场景
Please. They're not even loaded.>>完整场景
That's even more annoying in miniature.>>完整场景
You see, even now she tends to your welfare.>>完整场景
It appears we be not even worth the time it would take to sink us.>>完整场景
Everyone is busy, and even the wounded are looking out for each other; a man with his arms in an airplane splint holds a spoon and feeds a badly burned buddy. Evelyn and her overworked nurses are looking after the critical cases. But as she covers the windows with blackout curtains, she stops for just a moment to stare at the sun's last rays.>>完整场景
EXT. SKIES OVER TOKYO - DAY Rafe takes the B-25 right down among the buildings, sometimes even having to spin the wings to get through. The Zeros can't keep up with this... But Rafe can't keep it up long, either; they break out into open ground rail yards, where there's no place for him to hide... The Zeros come in to chew him up... But they take fire from another B-25 -- Danny's -- coming in to save Rafe's plane. Rafe now uses the radio.>>完整场景
When we were growing up, I had everything. You had nothing. You climbed out of a hole I couldn't even see the bottom of. I think maybe when I went off to England, I was trying to measure up to you. Measuring up's over. Let's just look out for each other. Okay?>>完整场景