
adj. 最小的;最少的(little的最高级)


There. See? At least the boy has a sense of propriety.>>完整场景
At least once more, Miss Swann.>>完整场景
- [Parrot squawks] Cottors parrot, I'm a little iffy, but at least I'll have someone to talk to.>>完整场景
Worth at least four.>>完整场景
At least you'll have a change of heart, when the sun rises.>>完整场景
Truth, then, at least.>>完整场景
- Five days underway, at least.>>完整场景
If we launch the third wave and annihilate their fuel depots, we destroy their ability to operate in the Pacific for at least a year!>>完整场景
Basevalue is two-hundred and five million dollars alright, we could, we could go to forty no, we want at least a hundred million a hundred million?>>完整场景
At least down here that way you'll only put down like five percent well prices have leveled off though, right?>>完整场景
At least down here I'm sorry what?>>完整场景
At least I went you're running around like you have to right every wrong in the world.>>完整场景
Joey Zasa at least was running a tight ship, but with him out of the picture we must step in.>>完整场景
We'll find him. But at least this will satisfy our friends here.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) You'd look beautiful in all of these. You should buy at least two.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) Lady, I got a bargain on these dresses. Five dollars each. You gotta pay at least fifteen, maybe twenty in a store. Look at them, first class.>>完整场景
And I don't like Barzini. I say the Corleone Family has to move from strength, not weakness. We should build our Regimes and take back our lost territories in Staten Island, at least.>>完整场景
CLEMENZA (O.S.) We gotta fight sometime. Let us at least recruit our regimes to full strength.>>完整场景
(thinking) In my city I would try to keep the traffic in the dark people, the colored. They are the best customers, the least troublesome, and they are animals anyway. They have no respect for their wives or their families or themselves. Let them lose their souls with drugs.>>完整场景
OK, OK. You gonna make me something to eat at least?>>完整场景
MALL (SUMMER 1945) A HIGH ANGLE of the CORLEONE MALL in bright daylight. There are at least five hundred guests filling the main courtyard and gardens. There is music and laughing and dancing and countless tables covered with food and wine.>>完整场景
It'll take at least an hour to finish this.>>完整场景
- At least the other guy, he brought tequila.>>完整场景
It at least buys you time for a longer run, but, I think we could do better than a sock, a towel or a sponge?>>完整场景
I would kill to get Lorenzo's father to show up for a parent-teacher conference or at least not hang up on me.>>完整场景