
prep. 属于;关于;…的;由…组成的


So another lesson I learned is that you don't hire generic people, you hire people who've had some kind of stress or achievement or whatever.>>完整场景
I remember one argument about a fella who one of the founders did not like his last name because it was too humorous. So you know ,you add a little ,and buy the way, we hired him.>>完整场景
And we'd have the huge argument. And every once in a while we've have arguments that were sort of specious.>>完整场景
So that was controversial. We've relaxed that a little bit now, but the fact of the matter is it got us to where we were today.>>完整场景
"From this day forth, all Jungars and enemies of the Kazakhs must know that from the Tian-Shan Mountains to the Aral Sea lies a land that has been inhabited by the Kazakhs since ancient times.>>完整场景
"From this day forth, all Jungars and enemies of the Kazakhs must know that from the Tian-Shan Mountains to the Aral Sea. . .">>完整场景
- lt's a model of the world.>>完整场景
l will be worthy of my people's trust.>>完整场景
Mansur, your grandfather Ablai was the defender of the Kazakhs.>>完整场景
The battle by the walls of great Turkestan lasted 1 00 days and 1 00 nights.>>完整场景
Take care of yourself.>>完整场景
However, this battle can only be won with the help of all the tribes working together as one.>>完整场景
Someone must give his life so that another can prevail in the name of love and justice.>>完整场景
Otherwise the spirit of Sharish will be displeased.>>完整场景
Don't be a coward, Kazakh, we put a lot of money on you.>>完整场景
O Almighty, help me defend my honor in the face of the enemy!>>完整场景
lt's the horse of the captive Kazakh girl.>>完整场景
l cannot kill a captured descendant of Genghis Khan.>>完整场景
l respect the laws of the steppe.>>完整场景
You brother was an enemy of my people.>>完整场景
l see that you respect the customs of the nomads.>>完整场景
From days of old it has been the custom of the steppe to greet the host respectfully.>>完整场景
l pray for wisdom from my ancestors and l pray for the safety of my dear friends - Erali and Gauhar.>>完整场景
Oh hallowed tree of my childhood, l've come to you for strength.>>完整场景
Beware of betrayal.>>完整场景