
adv. 最;最多;非常,极其;几乎


If you last that long, it'll be longer than most of my permanent hires.
>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
And new engineers aren't always the most adjusted people.
>> Spare Parts 拼凑梦想 (2015) Movie Script
Time is your most valuable resource.
>> How to Stop Wasting Your life
The most difficult, is the day of us not far from success.
>> 直觉是你的导师
In all the criticism, the greatest and most and most genius is the right time.
>> 直觉是你的导师
I found them... Most like you.
>> 成人世界 Adult World (2013) Movie Script
William Buckley Jr: If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.
>> 生活是一段旅程,而不是目的地
Norton Juster: The most important reason for going from one place to another is to see what’s in between, and they took great pleasure in doing just that.
>> 生活是一段旅程,而不是目的地
Paul Bowles:
Whenever he was en route from one place to another, he was able to look at his life with a little more objectivity than usual. It was often on trips that he thought most clearly, and made the decisions that he could not reach when he was stationary.
>> 生活是一段旅程,而不是目的地
The most recent communiqu from an Axis Army... l've just seen Aunt Ada.
>> 1900 Movie Script
The most envied couple in the whole valley.
>> 1900 Movie Script
lt seems to me, she's got a lot more than most.
>> 1900 Movie Script
These guys thought they were the most important guys in the world... with the most important jobs in the world.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
One second we're dealing with this so-called f***ing leak, the next you're on the f***ing television backing the president into the most ham-fisted corner I've ever seen.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
It is most important to me that we build Afghanistan.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
Left to their own devices, all they really want to do is play with their d*cks and eat chicken. " For all his many achievements leading special operations in Iraq, I think most of us here will know General McMahon as the man who took out al-Zarwaqi, who kicked al-Qaeda in the sack.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
He was known variously as the Lion King, the G-Man, Big Glen and, most commonly, the Glenimal.
>> 战争机器 War Machine (2017) Movie Script
And wine in the most fascinating I made to myself, drink a small Which in turn was effective with me, would you like?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
It is not an overstatement to say that this is one of the most highly anticipated lPOs of the year.
>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
There's Facebook, there's Instagram, there's Snapchat, there's Twitter and if you are anything like me privacy is the most important thing.
>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
- The most awful walk of shame.
>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
We know that they actually switched underwriters going into this IPO, so there was a bit of concern about how things would shake up, but clearly Dynacorps' IPO is shaping up to be one of the most successful public offerings of the year.
>> 公正裁决 Equity (2016) Movie Script
He is the fastest, most powerful battle machine every to walk Planet Freedom!
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
I think Eggman purposely picked the route with the most traps!
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
If you deliver this, you may ask this master, the most advanced monk of the Shaolin tradition, any question you wish, and he must answer it.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script